Ideas Change
The Game.
about us
The Spirit Of Free Enterprise.
Shipping out of tradition and with passion: by founding the Asian Spirit Steamship Company, we are adding another chapter to the Rickmers family’s long history in the maritime industry. Thanks to our unwavering commitment to the sector over the past 185 years, we have an extensive network, an excellent reputation and the specialized knowledge necessary to play a key role in shaping the dynamic future of this global industry.
We are currently focusing on cutting-edge tonnage in the growth segment of container feeder ships. The projects are organized, acquired and chartered out on our own account. In doing so, we leverage our own financial strength on the one hand and offer attractive investment opportunities and customer-driven asset management on the other. We continuously analyze the market situation and develop further projects whenever opportunities arise.
MCC Marine Consulting & Contracting GmbH is our main in-house service provider (e.g. technical management control) and the exclusive chartering broker for our fleet. For technical management and operation, we have appointed first-class service providers out of our network.
Shipping and entrepreneurship since 1834.
Discover our origins:

We mourn the death of
Bertram R.C. Rickmers
Deeply saddened, we bid farewell to our company founder Bertram R.C. Rickmers.
Still stunned that Mr. Rickmers was taken from life so suddenly, we remember a restless entrepreneur, passionate Hanseatic, caring family father and committed citizen of the Hanseatic City of Hamburg.
We are receiving telegrams of grief from all over the world these days. So many people remember a man who loved the sea and lived a life for shipping. Already in his fifth generation, Bertram Rickmers repeatedly demonstrated entrepreneurial courage and did not allow himself to be blown off course in storms.
At this time, our thoughts are above all with Bertram Rickmer’s family, to whom we extend our deepest sympathy. Bertram Rickmers had already handed over the business to his son Clasen Rickmers in 2022. The ASSC will therefore remain reliably in family hands.
The crew of the ASSC
The Bridge.

Get In Touch.
The Asian Spirit Steamship Company
Phone +49 (0)40 808 172-300
Fax +49 (0)40 808 172-302
Alsterufer 26
20354 Hamburg